Mar 3, 2022

F You.

I am disappointed. 

I cannot digest what you said. Really. 

Apa, youu? You dont remember what happened? Apaaa? I tak faham. Kenapa eh? I serious taktau nak digest macam mana all that you said. You tak ingat apa jadi, you tak faham why I treat it as a big issue. Eh, I lagi tak faham dengan you, dengan your behavior, tau. 

You hurt me for years, you cheat me, ignored me, ghosted me. You come to me whenever you want, and live as if nothing is happening. Then the next day you repeat the cycle. Pegi dekat orang lain, lebihkan orang lain, dan biarkan I menunggu you macam orang bodoh. Apa ni? I tak faham. You dah buat macam-macam kot. Tapi I masih dekat situ, menunggu. Berharap you akan datang kepada I. Tapi apa I dapat? You taknampak pun I. Sekilas pun you tak pandang I. You ajar I to live my days without you. You ajar I untuk bangun sendiri kalau I jatuh. You ajar I untuk tak berharap pada you. 

On the day I decided to walk away, you didnt do anything pun. You didnt put any effort to make me stay. You didnt fight. You just let it be. Tapi, do you know what's worst? You have the audacity to call me 'sampah' just because I dumped you. You called me 'sampah' just because I told you that I have somebody else. Five years of waiting just to be called as trash. F you. 

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