Mar 31, 2022


Hewwu Assalamualaikum!

As you can see from the title, I JUST GRADUATED! Graduated as in being celebrated with a convocation ceremony. Yay! Grad yang habis study tu tahun lepas. Supposedly the convocation is last year as well. But nevermind. I'm taking this opportunity to thank everyone involves in the journey. As well as putting the pictures here for memories. So here we begin! 💪


"Yaa, awak sambung master kat MMU gak eh?"


"Dah baca ke case stdy?"

"Faham tak theory ni?"

"Papers lecturer bg dh go through ke?"


"Apa outcome subject ni untuk kita eh?"

"Thesis dah start banyak mana dah?"

"Chapter 2 panjang mana?"


"Nak copy paste je boleh tak?"


"Kita send sesama, Yaa!"
and the rest is history

Known her since Alpha year, took different path during UGRD due to difference of courses and major. Back for PGRD, and stuck for the whole journey?! Hahahah. Thank you so much, Nadhirah! For everything that we went through. We literally grow together. Daripada tak rapat, jadi rapat. Daripada awkward, jadi selesa. Daripada 'we in touch only for study matter' sampai boleh cerita about other things jugak. I'm so glad for knowing you, even prouder to grow together with you. Congratulations for your achievements! You did amazing. Despite the countless times of saying you want to quit, you managed to get everything done. I'm so proud of you! 

"I didnt get you a sunflower, but I got you a sunflower seed instead."

Ini kuaci. I told this person that I want sunflower, but I wasnt serious. Look at thisssss. Random dan rare betul bagi kuaci. Orang bagi coklat lah time convo! 

Anyways, thank you for everything, you. Since day 1. I am really grateful for knowing you. I owe you big time, brader. And congratulations for your achievements. Looking forward to watch you get on the stage soon. 

This is tulip. The person giving me this was not in the journey, witnessing my struggles. But still wants to congratulate me. Hehehe. Thank you. For being proud of me. You might have no idea for what I went through, but you have faith in me in getting my Master's degree. Thank you! I really appreciated it. 

Missing: Kak Suki, Haziq, Dian, Fong

Our ws group name is 'Me Busy Always'. Sebab apa? Our Accounting lecturer during first semester said that MBA does not stands for Master of Business Administration. It is Me Busy Always. And PhD didnt stands for Philosophy Doctorate. It is 'Permanent Head Damage'. Sangat begitu ya, rakan-rakan. Kami memang busy ever since the 3rd week of first semester. At the end of the first semester, sikit lagi punya pressure kita tak rupa orang dah. Second semester? Adapted and adapting with the environment. But it was better than the first semester. Keadaan menjadi zombi tu tak teruk, rakan-rakan. Zombi tetap zombi, takboleh lari. Breakdown, rasa nak quit, tetap ada. BUT WE DID IT

Anyway, terima kasih untuk segalanya, rakan-rakan saya. I'm glad that our path crossed. Thank you for growing with me. They taught me a lot. Like so much! I'm looking forward for your turn to get on the stage, receiving your scroll. 

I would like to deliver an appreciation to everyone involves throughout the entire journey. Be it directly or indirectly. Sangat terhutang budi dengan kalian. Thank you for all the motivations and spirit booster, thank you for witnessing my "nak quit laaaaaa." moments, for lending me your ears and shoulder whenever I feels like crying, for helping me with my assignments and papers, for participating as my sample data. Ahh, FOR EVERYTHING!

Thank you so much! I wouldnt be here today without your support. I wouldnt be able to finish my paper without you, I might drop-out and quit in the middle of the journey. But look at me. I'm here. It is all because of you, every one of you. I didnt quit. I manage to get it done, be on the stage, get my scroll. You are proud of me? 

Lastly, I dedicated this achievement to this person, the strongest pillar in my life. Mama Angah, I did it! This one is for you both. Terima kasih untuk segalanya. 


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