Feb 25, 2021

Nothing much. Just an update.

 Haluu samlekomm semorang!

Lama doh tak nulis sini kan? Konon berazam nak menulis sebulan sekali. Hahahah. Entahlah. Nak kata busy, macam lah busy sangat. Cuma taktau je nak blogging pasal apa. Lol. Cakap macam ada je yang baca engko punya blog ni. Poyo! 

So geng? Amacam? How is life treating you nowadays? You good, tak? I hope everyone is doing very very very well. Me? Hm. My life is as usual kot? Still with my thesis. Still going through this PKP after PKP. My health? It goes up and down. Ada masa it really kicks you until you fall down. Ada masa, rasa motivated gila for everything. I dont know lah. I'm missing our old, normal days. Where I got to go out whenever I want, doing works or meeting friends as I please. But now. Everything should be planned. Cannot impromptu sangat. Ah, poyo! As if. 

Tapi, to be honest, ada lah rasa macam, 'hm lantaklah semua'. Rasa malas dah  nak fikir dengan PKP ni semua kan. Selfish ke eh begini? I feel like I'm done with everything. Let just go with the flow. What happened, happens. Kan? 

Ha dah. Malas pulak membebel pepanjang. Sayounara, minna!

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