Dec 31, 2017

365 of 365

It's the end of 2017!!!

It was such a roller-coaster yet fruitful year for me. I met a group of people that taught me to be better, people that inspired and motivated me to keep going on despite any falls (or ups) that comes through, and many more. 

Here, I dedicated my last page of 2017, to these people that gives such a great impact to my life. 

It was during my internship time. 3 months of internship. A short period of time, but it was such a gainful experience. I learned a lot of things, either directly or indirectly, and formally or informal. 

Me, being myself. An introvert girl, quiet and shy. I opened my heart to them. I told myself to not take into heart on whatever given/said/anything to me. I told myself to enjoy working there. I told myself to be strong all the time since many has told me that "as an intern, you are no one but their kuli, hamba, maid, anyone." (For this last point, I failed, sometimes.) 

I happened to meet a group of people that teach me about life, about how to survive in the real industry, on how to bawa diri everywhere you go. 

Yea, these people. Staffs of BKDA. A lot I gained from them (termasuklah gain weight. Heheh). There are 20 of them. 

Daripada mereka semua ni lah saya belajar how to handle things maturely and professionally.

Daripada mereka jugalah saya belajar how to be quick and calm at the same time. 

Mereka jugalah yang bertanggungjawab in helping me enhance my communication skills, help me boost my confidence level in front of a crowd. They are the one that triggered my soft skill that I never realised. 

Being part of the division, taught me to be kind, taught me to do good things tanpa mengharapkan balasan walaupun hanya sepatah ucapan 'Terima kasih' (I failed this too, often). 

Being part of the division, I have learned that even though people treated you like family, they makes you feel comfortable with the environment, YOU have to realize the border line between you and them (you guess it right, I failed this as well). 

To be in a division of communications requires you to communicate. Being part of the division, has taught me to communicate well with people withing your surrounding. 

If you really know me, you would know I get annoyed quickly with people that try to have prolonged conversation with me (yang baru kenal lah yg dah lama I tak kisah tak annoyed sangat dah). 

On my first day masuk BKDA (actually tak ingat sangat but I guess it was my first week dekat BKDA), the staffs were busy since ada event masa tu I tak ingat what is it. I was at my workstation, doing nothing. And one of the staffs came to me (nak berkenalan and get to know and be comfortable with each other since we are gonna work together). I thought it was just "Nama siapa?" "Daripada universiti mana?" "Ambik apa?". That's all. But no! The conversation continues. He asked me kenapa apply situ, either I want to be a PTD officer or not, and banyak lagi. 

Dan ianya berlarutan sampai beliau cerita about himself (in the scope of PTD officer, of course). 

You know what? Tak pernah lagi jumpa anyone yg willingly cerita pasal themselves, to me, on our first day meeting. It was my first time. As per myself, bukanlah I feel annoyed, cuma tak reti. I appreciated those yang borak with me banyak-2. But, I'm sorry. I am truly sorry because I tak reti nak show you that I am excited having someone to borak with me. I tried. I tried. Though it looks awkward. 

Dengan en Azreey, after the first day I met him, I feel cozy. Out of the blue, I become able to share almost anything with him. I try to control myself untuk tak selesa sangat. But it feels awkward and weird. I tried. And failed. 

I close to other staffs too. Like cik Sophia. *gambar di atas bukanlah cik Sophia* Level of closeness between me and cik Sophia, and me and en Azreey, jauh bezanya. 

Like en Azreey, she was among the first person that came to me, and talk to me, and makes me feel cozy with the surrounding. I spent most of my time in the office, in her room. Bragging to her about my day, about task that I receive (and also quarrel with en Azreey, in her room. Hehehe). I like to be with her. Banyak jugak cerita-cerita that I got from her, her experience. Banyak advise from cik Sophia that I could imply to improve myself. 

To the people that makes me feels like home. makes me feels belonged to the group. To the people that always advice me on any matters. Thank you for everything. Thank you for your appearance in my life. Thank you for the lessons I learned from all of you. Thank you for triggering me to do and be better. Thank you for the memories. So long and farewell! 


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